Plate Bearing Test is test
procedure for evaluation of Bearing Capacity of soil under field loading
condition for a specific loading plate and depth of embedment. In this method
of testing, consist of applying direct load of known magnitude through
hydraulic jack, on to the steel plate and measuring its corresponding vertical
displacements. This test method can be
used as part of a procedure for soil investigation for foundation design.
Procedure for Plate Bearing
Test will follow Cyclic Loading Schedule from ASTM D1194.
The sequences of the plate load test will be
presented in the following procedure:
Set the initial elevation of the reference plate
(300x300mm) from the nearby benchmark point.
Record the initial dial gauge reading with no
pressure of hydraulic jack, record the time.
Apply the pressure via hand pump to increase
loading weight, record the dial reading at every designated (see our attached
schedule table).
Settlement of plate reading by 4 dial gauge
there are placed and fixed into the magnet base at above the leveled artless
Settlement Reading :
Reading is conducted every 3 minutes
In the maximum load (8.5 tons) reading is
conducted in every 3 minute of interval for first 15 minutes.
For details reading in every loading step can be
seen in the Loading Schedule.
Record the current elevation of reference beams
for each of starting loading cycle (see our attached schedule table).
Figure: Loading Schedule for Plate Bearing
Test 2.0 m’ depth
Figure: Arrangement for Plate Bearing Test
Arrangement Plate Bearing Test
Dial Gauge
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